HB: What was the process like for this show compared to other Prep shows?
BL: "Of course like every show I’ve been a part of, the process was incredible. But there were a few variables that made this show unique. With 29 people in the cast, Sweeney Todd has one of the largest casts the Cape and Sword Drama Society has seen in the past 15 years. Not only that, but 19 of those 29 were new to Cape and Sword. Aside from the cast, the set and props were other crucial parts of the show. A giant, movable cube containing 3 doors and a slide for the chair to dump the bodies, razors which spew blood and meat pies made this a technically heavy show. Although I didn’t have much to do with the props and set, these new aspects were daunting, but they allowed for the show to be “one of the greats.” The only other big difference in the show was specific to me and my other upperclassmen. The other Cape and Sword veterans and I had a new position in Cape and Sword. With the class of ’09 gone, we were the leaders of Cape and Sword. All of this combined made for really unique show and a very special 2 month rehearsal process."
HB: What's your favorite "Anthony" moment?
BL: "I think an audience member might think my favorite “Anthony” moment would be “Johanna,” but for me there's another moment I enjoy more. “Kiss Me” is my favorite moment in the show. The reason I like that scene so much is because of the fun Anne Wechsler and I get to have. The scene is like a dance because we choreographed all of our movements. We have so much fun during the scene we get to find new things every night. Anne is also so easy to work off of because of the fantastic energy she brings to the scene. That's probably the scene I look forward to each night."
HB: If you could play any other part in the show, what would it be and why?
BL: "If I could play another part in the show I would definitely love to play Toby. He’s such an interesting character and is so important to the plot. I think he's the character that surprises the audience the most. Granted, the part would be a big challenge, but I would love to see what I could bring to it."
HB: How does being a member of Cape and Sword teach you about Jesuit ideals?
BL: "Being at a Jesuit high school I am surrounded by Jesuit ideals, but my first experience with the true Jesuit charism was in Cape and Sword. After every show closes, we set aside a day to strike the set and reflect. I remember during my second show, the spring of my freshman year, I began to understand the real feeling of the Jesuit motto, the “magis,” a Latin word whose literal translation is "the more." It means not just doing your best, but being your best. Our director, Antony Braithwaite, often says that if you treat teenagers like adults, they will rise to the occasion. Everyone does. The tangible energy this philosophy emits, the magis, is overwhelming. Now I strive to “magisize,” to be my best, and it is what I have come to expect from myself. Cape and Sword really infuses each of its members with this mindset."
HB: What are you looking forward to the most with Drowsy Chaperone (SJP's spring show)?
BL: "After doing such a dark musical like Sweeney Todd, I think I really look forward to doing a lighter and more comedic show. The one thing I did miss in Sweeney Todd was dancing. One of my favorite parts of a musical is the choreography and I will be very excited to get back into that in the spring."
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