Take a long look at this photo. It looks pretty normal right? Just a regular old McDonald's Happy Meal. Key word in that last sentence is "old." The picture is of a Happy Meal after being left out for ONE YEAR!!!! The photographer is Joann Bruso, author of "Baby Bites - Transforming a Picky Eater Into A Healthy Eater Book." From Joann about the Happy Meal:
"My Happy Meal is one year old today and it looks pretty good. It NEVER smelled bad. The food did NOT decompose. It did NOT get moldy, at all."
I rarely eat fast food anymore, and I know this won't stop me from ever eating it again (I mean, c'mon, is there anything better after a night of drinking than McDonald's french fries?!?!?) I just found it fascinating that basically, McDonald's food is as invincible as Chuck Norris.
that is absolutely revolting.