Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Time to retire Larry
Larry King just posted this about an hour ago on his twitter feed. Does he seriously not know the connection between 100 days and FDR?!?!?! Time to pull the plug on good ole Lar.
An Inside Look at Obama's White House

The White House posted 293 official photos from White House Photog. Pete Souza online today. There are so many wonderful shots. I love these types of photos from inside politics. I still occasionally peruse coffee table book I have of the Clinton White House.
I haven't looked through all 293 yet, but bonus points to anyone who can find my old boss Gene Sperling -- he's in at least 2 of the shots.
Barack Obama,
Bill Clinton,
Pete Souza,
White House
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
In honor of Hobro3's favorite rap song...
Courtesy of DJ Delaviz....
Damoun Delaviz,
Slow Motion for Me
Remembering Smarty

Although the news right now is cluttered with the swine flu scare (which is super scary), the 135th Kentucky Derby is also managing to get some press since it's up this weekend. I love watching the Derby, but I don't think anything will compare to Smarty Jones' almost historic triple crown run a few years ago. Maybe it was because Philly (at the time) was going through massive championship withdrawal or maybe it was because everything about the horse was so compelling -- the owners, the trials and tribulations of the jockey. Whatever it was, I still think of that horse each time the Derby rolls around. Barbaro got the HBO special and even more attention, but Smarty Jones will always have a place in my heart.
PS.. For those who know me, you'll know how hard it was for me not to make one "glue" joke. I can have some tact...sometimes :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Go to the 1:18 Mark in the Video...
I love the way he takes a moment, looks down and say, "Oops"
Hilarious. Good ole Shep has the same problem as Tracy Jordan, "You know it! I cursed for three hours straight just to get it out of my system, yo dumb bitch." from the Larry King Episode of 30 rock earlier this year.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Give Me A Break

I can't believe the right -- especially Dick Cheney -- has the nerve to criticize President Obama's handshake with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. In an interview with Fox, the former Vice President of Evil said that the way Mr. Obama handled himself at the meeting with South American leaders "Set the wrong standard." What standard should he have set? One that continues the arrogance notion that we're always right and you're always wrong no matter what. Mr. Obama is showing that his campaign promise of "Change" was not just a good slogan. I guess Cheney thinks that Mr. Obama should have greeted Chavez with a smile and some light waterboarding.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Things I Like This Week
1) @aplusk on Twitter. I started following the whole Ashton K. vs CNN twitter race with @billfelty yesterday at work. I thought it was going to be corny at first but I got hooked on the race and came out of it loving Ashton K. He brought awareness to a great social networking tool (twitter) and also made lots of other celebs step up and donate Nets to Stop Malaria Now. Plus, you gotta love Ashton since he was in "The Guardian" with my boy Mike Rady (Great Pic from the set). Ashton was streaming live video from his house last night as the count was happening. Go here to watch -- skip to about the 17:45 minute mark.
2) Twitter. While I'm on the topic, twitter is great. Read this article from the NYTimes Business section this week on it's potential impact.
3) This is a site developed by a classmate of mine from the Prep, Sean McCloskey. He started this company in 2005 and it's really starting to take off. I heard about it through facebook posts, etc. but didn't know much about it. I finally read up on it today and was REALLY impressed. A portion of all their retail sales goes to select non-profits that the buyer gets to choose from, including Teach For America. See why I love this? A Prep guy supporting TFA. Go to his site and show some love.
4) No Bitch Ass Ness. According to Urban Dictionary, this is "A disease plaguing America's youth that is characterized by excessive whining, laziness, and/or undeserved arrogance." Diddy uses the phrase on Making the Band and has a shirt promoting it now. I thought it was funny and love the patriotic colors. It's kind of a cut-to-the-chase way of saying this great Maya Angelou quote: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."
5) French Fries. The Best and Worst Fries in Philly -- according to the Philadelphia Weekly.
6) Money for Your Old Books. Sell you old books at Cash 4 Books and they even pay for the Shipping!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Best TV Episode I Have Ever Seen

My mother and I started in January with season one, and after a long day of work and rehearsal, I got home around midnight last night and had the much hyped final disc of the final season of Six Feet Under waiting for me. I had been told by everyone who already saw it that it was the best final episode ever. As a result, I was expecting something explosive (literally and figuratively) to end the wonderful series. My mother and I had running theories -- "Maybe there will be a giant Earthquake?"
Without giving too much away (because if you haven't seen this show yet, I implore you to Netflix each season RIGHT NOW!!!) the ending was so simple and moving. The entire series reminded me of really good theater -- it was so good that I didn't want it to end, but the beauty of it is that is has to end. Sounds like a theme from the show doesn't it??
I think this wonderful quote from one of our best playwrights, Arthur Miller, ties in well to the show and this sentiment: "The theater is so endlessly fascinating because it's so accidental. It's so much like life." Just think about this quote after watching the first episode of the series.
For those who have already seen it, here's a great article from EW about the last episode. This last episode will stay with me for a very long time.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Hey FOX! Check Your Urban Dictionary!

I know pundits have been making fun of this for days already (I loved seeing Rachel Maddow making the jokes), but I still can't help laughing every time I hear or see an article about the infamous "Tea-Bagging" party coming up on April 15th. For example, how funny is this headline on the Huffington Post.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The Departed on FX
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Whiskey Neat by Azuka
Along with AXB and Joe Mallon, I saw a great piece of theatre by Azuka Theatre this evening. Kevin Glaccum's directing was spot on and each actor created a compelling character. It was like being part of a live-action Tarantino/Mamet movie. Need more convincing to go see the show? Check out this kick-ass trailer:
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
An actor who likes politics...I smell a trend
How cool is this story?? Kal Penn -- of Harold and Kumar fame -- gave up his job as a cast member of FOX's House to take a position in the Obama Administration. Penn will be an associate director in the public liaison office. Maybe I will find myself moving back to politics one day after all? But we all know my liberal ass will be in the Alec Baldwin/Sean Penn category rather than Ronnie Reagan/Governator one.

Alec Baldwin,
Barack Obama,
Kal Penn,
Sean Penn
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Ron Weasley: The Makeover

Just saw the trailer for Rupert Grint's (You know...Harry Potter's side kick Ron??) new movie CherryBomb. Looks like he's following Radcliffe's footsteps of throwing away the Hogwarts school boy image. The movie doesn't look half-bad -- I may have to check it out. I guess it's only a matter of time now until Emma Watson takes a turn for the dark can only hope, right Damoun??
Damoun Delaviz,
Emma Watson,
Harry Potter,
Ron Weasley,
Rupert Grint
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Ultimate Let Down

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Boston Legal Starring Jay Leno

It seems that the NBC affiliate in Boston is planning on going with an extra hour of news instead of airing the yet-to-be-decided Jay Leno 10pm show. I know Jay Leno is supposed to be one of the nicest guys in Hollywood, but does anyone really care if he's still on TV??? Although I love Conan and think Dave is a god -- does late night TV have a prominent place in pop culture anymore? It almost feels like the late night TV show is falling into the SNL world -- people talk about it like it's relevant, but it's really not anymore. I wish I was able to have not been so young and enjoyed the Carson years. He was from an era of cool when there really was no business like show business.
Conan O'Brien,
Dave Letterman,
Jay Leno,
Late Night TV,
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I've decided to go into the priesthood....

Happy April Fool's Day. Here's a great list of April Fool's Pranks. I forgot how much I liked the one about Taco Bell buying the Liberty Bell :)
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