I was very happy to be reviewed for the first time in my professional career in the Phila Inq yesterday and even happier that the production was overall positively received. Mr. Shapiro mentioned how I wasn't that funny at first -- he must have heard from all my friends that I'm the "King of Awful Puns." Still it was nice to hear from an outside voice that after the first 20 minutes, I grab "the play by its themes and ride it like a windsurfer." Unfortunately, being the political dork that I am, I can't get the image out of my head of good ole John Kerry windsurfing in his Dukakis/Snoopy/Tank moment: )
"You're Like John Kerry with his windsurfing. I warned him too."
~ Steve Buscemi on 30 Rock, Season 2, Ep. 3 "The Collection"
You were reviewed in the Inquirer!? thats awesome! I just read the article and the windsurfer comment was totally a compliment and yes, you are a political dork!