I'm doing my faithful duty as a new AD for SJP drama by proctoring the stage crew today. The Prep is on Spring Break and stage crew is working full days. Anywho, they started the day by picking some music to listen to -- the number one choice for their medley of tunes was "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins. I immediately thought of one of my favorite lines from 30 Rock (and Zach Lowe's too).
Tracy Jordan: "I'm gonna make you a mix tape. Do you like Phil Collins?"
Jack Donaghy: "I have two ears and a heart, don't I?"
Alec Baldwin as Jack Donaghy is one of the funniest/best characters on TV right now, if not of all time. Right now, these are the best characters on TV.
1. Alec Baldwin as Jack Donaghy on 30 Rock - Already talked about above -- His smugness and dry humor makes him the most lovable GOP on the planet.
2. Michael Emerson as Ben Linus on Lost - He's not as dominant on the series this season, but the freakiness of his eyes alone makes him one of the most compelling characters on TV to watch.
3. Michael C. Hall as Dexter Morgan on Dexter - The acting range of MCH is amazing. Watch an episode of 6 Feet Under and Dexter back-to-back and you wont believe it's the same guy. MCH and Anthony Hopkins are the only 2 people ever who will make a serial killer lovable.
4. Glenn Close as Patty Hewes on Damages - A cold hearted bitch. Period. But I freakin LOVE her. And I think I'm starting a fan club for Rose Byrne. She's a stone cold fox.
5. Any character on any season of Friday Night Lights - This show consistently has cheesy/far-fetched plot lines, but pulls it off each week with remarkable heart. Scott Porter (he's play Jason Street) touches on this point with the whole "Texas Forever" line in his blog about his last appearance on the show two weeks ago. I love this show and it's because of the characters -- the acting is top notch. It NEEDS to be picked up for a 4th season.
Alright -- I'm sure people agree and disagree. Let's hear some thoughts.....
You forgot Alan Shore and Denny Crane from Boston Legal
ReplyDeleteTrue -- I never got into Boston Legal that much. As a result, I only selfishly picked from my regular group of shows.
ReplyDeleteI'll netflix Boston Legal though since you're the 5th person this week to mention it to me.
and if I'm not mistaken, Boston Legal isn't on the air anymore...I just stuck to current shows
ReplyDeleteI'd like to cast a vote for "Murray" on Flight of the Conchords. Band meeting!
ReplyDeletepatricia arquette's character on "medium' (rented it yet?) and kyra sedgwyck's character on "the closer". my 2 cents!
ReplyDeleteOk...after I'm done 6 feet under (I'm almost done season 4) I'll start with Medium, Boston Legal, and the Closer -- in that order
ReplyDeleteOMG Jackie D!!! There. Happy?
ReplyDeleteperfect steph -- I'm elated
ReplyDeleteDeviating from your "currently on air" parameter... the entire cast of The West Wing. Competition over.