Here's a shorter version of a different kind of proposal. It's a prank set up by one friend in a prank-war with another friend. Just watch -- it's so worth it for the reaction of the girlfriend and one Yankee fan that gets interviewed. I came across the video this morning in this article about the funniest Jumbotron moments.
Monday, May 31, 2010
A Different Proposal
I've never seen The Proposal starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan "I was dating Alanis Morissette and then dropped her in a hot second for Scarlett Johansson" Reynolds. According to Rotten Tomatoes, it gets a 43% so chances are I probably won't see it unless I'm looking for a way to waste a few hours one raining afternoon.
Kevin Reynolds,
New York Yankees,
Sandra Bullock,
The Proposal
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I've been having conversations with friends recently about whether or not technology is a good thing. Let me rephrase that -- technology is a good thing, but whether or not MORE technology for technology's sake is a good thing. Most of our conversations get back to how cellphones do way too much. Being a Crackberry addict, I usually don't do well in these debates. Regular TBN reader, Tony Braithwaite, sent me this wonderful Seinfeld clip from his March 3rd appearance on Letterman. It pretty much sums up AXB's own views on the cellphone discussion. The whole clip is funny, but you can skip to the 2:45 mark if you want the bit about the cellphone.
Anywho, even though fancy cellphones are one of my vices, here's a technology thing I think we can all agree is a waste of time: Newspapers with a 3-D section. Really?!?! The Philly Inquirer announced today that it will have a page that will include 3-D pictures and ads starting on June 13th.
Let me get this straight, newspapers sales continue to decline. So, to get more people to buy newspapers, you're going to add a page AND an extra pair of 3-D glasses to view the page. How does this help sales? In this fast-paced internet age that makes news of any kind so easy to get you're going to challenge readers to not only buy a paper -- which already is tough -- but to also put on some cheap ass glasses to look at said ad. Yeah...I see this fizzling out after about a month. 3-D isn't even that special. When I saw Avatar in 3-D AND Imax, I would take my glasses off for long portions of the movie to see what it looked like. Basically, it was like watching a movie with one contact missing. Nothing to write home about if ask me.
Will a lot of people buy this issue on the 13th? Yes. Will I? Probably -- but only once just to see what it's like. This is a stupid gimmick that won't last. Just because Playboy is making a 3-D centerfold, doesn't mean the next thing we need to see is a 3-D ad for the latest Verizon cellphone. But, I am a sucker for a fancy cellphone, so who knows!
Jerry Seinfeld,
Philadelphia Inquirer,
Tony Braithwaite,
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Power Producer
If you have Facebook and are connected with Mr. Power Producer himself, Brian Callahan, go to his page and congratulate him. Surprisingly, beneath the man also known as "To Cool for School" and "Cocky Cally" lies a modest Merrrrrr-Man who won't brag about his accomplishments, so I'll do it for him.
Brian Callahan, producer of the #1 DC morning newscast for WRC (NBC Affiliate), has been nominated for a 2009 Emmy Award by The National Capital Chesapeake Bay Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.
The winners will be announced on June 5th. Afterwards, I hope to see Mr. Callahan doing a similar pose as the picture below. Go get 'em Cally!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010
The week of the taser continues. At the Players Championship yesterday, a man was tasered and charged with "disorderly intoxication and resisting arrest without violence." In honor of the return of "taser" into our everyday vernacular, I'd like to take a trip down memory lane to the Kerry Campaign in 2004 and the now infamous" Don't Tase Me Bro!!!" guy. For the best part, skip to about the 2 minute mark.
Friday, May 7, 2010
"They just f*@$ed with the wrong Mexican..."
Machete is an upcoming film by Robert Rodriguez that has a litany of actors from some of best of all-time (Robert DeNiro) to typecast action heroes from the 80s/90s (Steven Segal). I'll probably just wait to see this movie on Netflix, but 2 parts of the trailer below had me laughing hysterically: 1) The voice over line that is the title of this post, and 2) well...just watch the first 1o seconds....
I love actor Danny Trejo (aka that dude from Desperado and some other movies that has the giant tatoo of lady on his chest) calling out the State of Arizona. TBN follower Chris Geschke, who just moved back to The Grand Canyon State said in an exclusive interview about his new home state, "They are already getting a ton of bad press out here for the ID thing, but get this contrast....there are cameras set up at stop lights to ticket people who don't come to a complete stop. BUT -- you can now carry a gun in the state where ever you want without a permit." So there's that....
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Another Reason to Be a Good Proofreader
I'm a poor speller. I look up words online all the time to see whether or not I get the "did you mean [fill in the blank]?" prompt several times a day. I just saw a wonderful production of "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" at Montgomery Theater, and had a conversation with the other actors about how I think it would be hard for me to be in a show where I needed to constantly spell crazy hard words correctly. (Side note -- only 4 performances left-- get your tickets now! The show was amazingly funny!)
Nevertheless, because of my spelling deficiencies I constantly read things that I write out loud to catch spelling and grammar mistakes. I'm still not a syntax hawk, but I'm better than the days when my motto was "Who needs to be a good speller? Just have a good personality and spell check will do the rest." FYI -- Hobor3 still follows this adage.
This brings us to this cake celebrating 50 years in baseball for the Atlanta Braves manager:

Now, I didn't give his name yet, but if you've followed baseball at all for the past 30 years, you already know where this is going. The Braves skipper's name is Bobby COX. I'm assuming I don't need to spell out the problem/joke here (and yes, if you're wondering, that lame pun WAS intended).
Being a Phillies fan means I don't like Mr. Cox, but I do love the way he laughed the incident off saying: "That's funny. What bakery did he get the cake? That's what I want to know."
I can think of two people loving this faux pas: 1) Cake Wrecks and 2) The University of South Carolina. (BTW - Congrats to soon-to-be USC Acting MFA student Joe Mallon. Those who know Joe already know that Joe has that hat in at least 5 different colors and styles. (Joe knows that.")
Atlanta Braves,
Bobby Cox,
Cake Wrecks,
Joe Mallon,
Montgomery Theater
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
A Huge LOST Leak

Apparently, there are 6 pages from the final episode of LOST online that according to most are 100% accurate. Do you have the guts to click on the link below to read them???? I chickened out and only read the intro to the article before the bullet-point section that summarizes the major plot points from the leaked script.
Click HERE if you want the leaks.
I'm just happy the show is back on the air tonight.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
WHCD 2010
On the long list of things that make me a huge nerd is the fact that I LOVE the White House Correspondents Dinner. It's right up there with the Oscars as an event I want to attend before I die. One of my favorite books is Clinton & Me by President Clinton's humor speechwriter, Mark Katz. It's a great read about what it was like to write comedy for the President.
Anywho, President Obama did a nice job last night. Although, I have to admit, I kinda hate watching Presidents try to be funny while their bodies are stuck in serious speech giving mode. It amazes me that they spend so much of their lives speaking to people and most of them don't know how to play laughs properly. But I digress.... the President, who from what I can tell bucked the trend and spoke first last night, was 10 times funnier than Jay Leno -- which in my opinion isn't that hard to accomplish. Some of my favorite lines from the President's speech:
- "I'm glad that the only other person whose ratings fell more than mine last year is here with us tonight. Good to see you, Jay! I'm also glad to be speaking first. We've all seen what happens to the person in the timeslot after Leno."
- "Michael Steele is here, aka 'The Notorious G.O.P.' Michael knows what truly plagues America today: 'taxation without representin.'"
- "...I hear I'm still pretty big on Twitter and Facebook. Or as Sarah Palin calls it: the socialized media."
- "You know what really tickles me? Eric Massa. Apparently, Massa claimed that Rahm came up to him one day in the House locker room, stark naked, and started screaming obscenities at him. To which I say: welcome to my world.'"
The full speech:
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