The next installment of continued excellence on the Prep's stage begins tomorrow night with the opening of "The Drowsy Chaperone." Along with Episcopal High School in Houston, St. Joseph's Prep, will be the first high school to produce this Tony Award-winning musical.
One of my mentors and former chaplain of the Cape and Sword Drama Program at SJP, Fr. Ryan Maher S.J., once said:
"Sometimes theater is about trying to escape from the darker corners of the human condition. Sometimes it’s about trying to hide in the comforting folds of the skirt of the human condition. Sometimes it’s about the tough middle where most of us spend most of our lives, where some things are good and calm and even funny, and others are bad and stormy and sad. Theater is about all of that because being human is about all of that. That’s why theater will always be part of Jesuit education, and why it has been since the very first days of Jesuit schools in the 1500s. And for that, I say, “Thanks be to God.”
Come see Fr. Maher's words and hundreds of years of Jesuit ideals alive on stage by getting your ticket to "The Drowsy Chaperone" by clicking here.