I loved the news this week that Martin Scorsese is set to make a biopic about one of my favorite celebrities of all-time: Francis Albert Sinatra. Even better is the talk about who will play the chairman of the board on the big screen. Of course, huge stars like Leo and Depp have been thrown around to take on the role, but a random poll in People Magazine has a 5 person list that includes Robert Pattinson from Twilight and Joe Jonas. WTF!??!?! There would be riots if some half-assed celeb got the chance to play Ole' Blue Eyes.
A good compilation of candidates can be found on Rolling Stone. Here's my top 5 choices:
1) Leo DiCaprio - I still think he's severely underrated for how talented he is, and it is already proven that a Scorsese/Leo collaboration is good thing. His portrayal as Howard Hughes is magnificent and the con man feel of "Catch Me If You Can" kinda works with Sinatra.
2) Johnny Depp - He is consistently one of the biggest movie stars in the world and would bring an excellent aura of importance to playing Sinatra, but he doesn't have the full charm of Frank that Leo does.
3) Sean Penn - Obviously, he's a little older but I think he has a good look for the older Sinatra. (who knows even what years of Sinatra's life this movie is going to cover). With Benjamin Button technology out there, making Sean look younger for early life stuff would not be a problem. Plus, he's got the acting hardware to back this choice up.
4) Edward Norton - Maybe not to the most likely choice, but the guy has wonderful acting chops. Also, he's been doing too many random projects lately and needs something like this back in his wheelhouse.
5) DARK HORSE ALERT: Chris Pine - Fresh off Star Trek, this guys has a PERFECT look for Frank. He's the only lesser-known star that I think could actually pull this off. If the star power isn't there, the look and feel needs to be authentic and I think would be with this guy.
Ok...let the debate begin.
Looks like it's Leo.
Looks like it's Leo.
since your blog's been quiet for a month or so, i'll offer up an opinion on this frank sinatra question. i think it should be one of the jonas brothers. either the one with the bad perm or the one that looks like sanjaya.